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Rewiring the Brain

As I have said previously, I am not by nature a perfectly organized person.  I try, but often things just start falling apart as the chaos of life always seems to one-up my ideas for controlling my surroundings.  Well, Ive also recently realized something else about myself.  I work really well under the pressures of deadlines, or of the inevitable.  When it gets to the point where I have to do something, then I am really good at doing what needs to be done.  But this is quite problematic isn’t it, bordering on pure laziness!    I started to think about this, and I think this very idea may be one huge fault in the recent generations of the human race.  We plug along in our daily lives, doing what needs to be done, only really pushing ourselves when it comes either to our personal pleasure or to necessity.  Think of our environmental situation,  so many aspects are weighing on us, begging for action, yet we sit here not doing what needs to be done because we are concerned with political ties and whose pocketbooks will be affected.  Our culture sits around, waiting for that critical moment when we have to act or we will kill our planet and ourselves.  It is pathetic.  I am finding this inability to act very disturbing within myself as well, and I have to change things for myself and as an example to the future generations.

This need for change has come upon me because of this simple but wonderful bit of news.  We are expecting another child!  Three kids!  The need to be organized in life has become paramount.  I am not happy that I have waited until this critical moment to decide that now is the time to really do it for real this time, but it is what it is.  However, since I have discovered and really embedded in my brain the problem that I have with following along with mother cultures way of doing things, I have really been pushing myself to change.  Each moment that I have a choice whether to be proactive or inactive, I am choosing to be proactive.  And this extends beyond my personal life, but into choices I make as a consumer and as an environmentally conscious person.   I have made some mistakes already.  I have been a bit hard on myself about it.   But if I keep consciously making these proactive choices, then eventually it will become programmed in the hard wiring of my brain to do so naturally.  That is the plan anyways.  I believe this is a very important step forward in my life, as I plunge further into a world of hopefully organized chaos.  We all need to be doing this.  If not for ourselves and our own sanity, then for our children, or great great grandchildren, and the world we will leave for them.

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