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In such a busy world, it is so important to step back, take a deep breath, and recenter ourselves.  But how many of us do this daily?  Weekly?  I know there are plenty of people that do yoga, meditate or pray daily, but for the majority of people in this country I see a typical day going like this:  wake up, drive to work while listening to news/music, work, drive home while listening to news/music, get home and turn on the zombie tube for a few hours, then off to bed to start all over again.  No wonder so many people have trouble falling asleep, finally the mind is able to process the day, but its a sort of a subconscious worry session in our brains instead of a time to recenter.  The more I contemplate this, the more I realize the absolute necessity of this time to recenter, even if its just 10 minutes in the morning and evening.  If we don’t stop, breath, and process what we are doing and why, then how can we efficiently make decisions that better ourselves and the world around us.  If we are constantly bombarded with stimuli, when do we find the solutions to our problems instead of just stressing about them?

I’m trying to get up a bit earlier, before the kids greet the morning in a chaotic blur, and taking time after they go to bed, to revel in the quite solitude of my home or back porch,  intent on centering myself.  I encourage you to try it, its actually quite refreshing.

broken stone spiral 2

Broken pebbles / scratched white with another stone, June, 1985,  St. Abbs, The Borders © Andy Goldsworthy

Above sculpture by Andy Goldsworthy

1 comment to Centering

  • Fantastic post and oh so true. As you know we have been very insistant on keeping as far as possible from that drone-style of living and it has made us all so much richer. Beautiful picture by the way, did you take that???

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